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Pics Las Vegas

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

pics las vegas
The Ritz of Las Vegas Wedding Banquet Facility!!?

Hi all,
We’re planning on getting married in Vegas next year, and like the pics from their website, can anyone give me some info on the place? The only info i seem to be able to find about the place is from their own website! Also, this is not the Ritz Carlton in Las Vegas, this place deals specifically with weddings and parties. Thanks a million guys for any info ye can give me

i googled the banquet facility you’re looking at. you have to be careful if you don’t actually live in las vegas before planning your wedding and picking out banquet sites. the place you’re looking at is on pecos and flamingo… the east side of town. although i cannot say for sure that the neighborhood is bad, you should ask more people about the area and what’s around it. i live here and my friend had a wedding at rainbow gardens ( . the pictures on the website were beautiful! but when we got there the surrounding area was pretty ghetto. you should call up the people who work at the ritz and ask them what kind of buildings/businesses surround it. i wouldn’t want to be married in a place that was right next door to a 7-11 or dollar store, ya know? so just wanted to give you a heads up on that.

Las Vegas Pictures